The 15th Symposium The 16th Symposium The 17th Symposium The 18th Symposium The 19th Symposium The 20th Symposium
The 17th Symposium
“Solar radiation modification – An option to mitigate climate crisis?”

June 20~23, 2023

We are pleased to invite you to the 2023 KIST Aslla Symposium. The Symposium, now in its 7th year, has been serving as a platform for participants to share their research accomplishments and perspectives related to globally challenging issues in the field of science and technology, and seeks to promote convergence research and the development of global networks between Korean researchers and their international colleagues.  

This year's event will be held at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) S&T Convention Center from June 20th to June 23th, and will feature presentations and discussions on the theme, "Solar radiation modification – An option to mitigate climate crisis?" Prof. Seong Soo, Yum from the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and Chang-Eui Park from KIST, who organized this event, will serve as organizers for the symposium.   

As your in-depth knowledge of matters relating to this year's theme would certainly be of interest to the attendees, we would like to invite you to be a main speaker for this event. This role would entail sharing your insights regarding Solar radiation modification and climate change.
Thank you for your consideration and we are looking forward to seeing you at the symposium.

Organizer & Main Speaker
  • Organizer
    Seong Soo Yum


    Director-General (R&D)

    Climate and Environmental Research Institute (CERI) Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)

  • Main Speaker
    Chang-Eui Park


    Senior Researcher

    Center for Sustainable Environment Research Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)

  • Main Speaker
    Robert Wood

    Professor, Atmospheric Sciences

    College of the Environment, University of Washington, Seattle

  • Main Speaker
    Blaž Gasparini

    Postdoc in Climate Science

    University of Vienna, Austria

  • Main Speaker
    Hyemi Kim

    Associate Professor

    Ewha Womans University

  • Main Speaker
    Yuanchao Fan

    Assistant Professor

    Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School
    Tsinghua University

  • Main Speaker
    Jerry Tjiputra

    Research professor

    NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Bergen, Norway

  • Main Speaker


    Zhejiang University

  • Main Speaker
    Hojeong Kang


    chool of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Yonsei University

  • Main Speaker
    Chang Ki Kim

    Full Professor

    New and Renewable Energy Resource Map Laboratory, Korea Institute of Energy Research
    Department of Energy Engineering, University of Science and Technology

Seong Soo Yum Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) / Yonsei University
Chang-Eui Park Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
Robert Wood University of Washington
Blaž Gasparini University of Vienna
Jerry Tjiputra Norwegian Research Centre and Bjerknes Center for Climate Research
Yuanchao Fan Tsinghua University
Long Cao Zhejiang University
Chang Ki Kim Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)
Hojeong Kang Yonsei University
Hyemi Kim Ewha Womans University
Date Time Schedule
Welcome day
17:00~18:00 Arrival / Check-In / Registration
18:00~20:00 Welcome Dinner & Networking
07:30~08:30 Breakfast
09:00~10:00 Opening Remarks & Introduction of KIST/CERI (Prof. Seong Soo Yum)
10:00~10:20 Coffee Break 
Session 1: Solar radiation modification (SRM) (Chair: Prof. Seong Soo Yum)
10:20~11:20 Marine Cloud Brightening as a Mechanism for Reducing Climate Risk (Prof. Robert Wood; Keynote) 
11:20~12:10 Can cirrus cloud thinning substantially counteract global warming? (Dr. Blaž Gasparini)
12:10~13:40 Luncheon
13:40~14:30 Impact of the stratospheric aerosol injection on subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) climate variability (Prof. Hyemi Kim)
14:30~15:10 Discussion on Session 1
15:10~15:40 Coffee Break 
Session 2: SRM impacts on various fields (Chair: Dr. Chang-Eui Park)
15:40~16:30 How does solar geoengineering affect food security? Insights from three modeled solar radiation management schemes compared to CO2 emissions reduction (Prof. Yuanchao Fan)
16:30~17:20 Profound impacts of SRM on the marine system (Dr. Jerry Tjiputra)
17:30~20:00 Dinner & Networking
07:30~08:30 Breakfast
Session 2: SRM impacts on various fields (continued) (Chair: Dr. Chang-Eui Park)
09:00~10:00 Climate and carbon cycle response to different solar radiation modification methods: insights from Earth system modeling (Prof. Long Cao; Keynote)
10:00~10:40 Discussion on Session 2
10:40~11:10 Coffee Break
Session 3: Alternative ways to mitigate climate crisis (Chair: Prof. Robert Wood)
11:10~12:00 Ecosystem-based carbon storage: an alternative approach to geoengineering (Prof. Hojeong Kang) 
12:00~13:30 Luncheon
13:30~13:55 Investigation of Cloud Optical Effects on Photovolatic System and Concentrating Solar Power Generation (Dr. Chang Ki Kim)
13:55~14:20 Biophyisical cooling potential of expanded vegetation growing season: implication to afforestation strategy (Dr. Chang-Eui Park)
14:20~14:50 Discussion on Session 3
14:50~15:00 Wrap up and Closing Remarks
15:00~17:30 Networking – sightseeing in Gangneung city
17:30~19:30 Dinner
Excursion day
07:30~08:30 Breakfast
08:30~09:00 Check-out 
09:00~12:00 Excursion
12:00~13:30 Luncheon